T.P. Dasgupta

[email protected]
B.Sc. Calcutta, India
M.Sc. Bihar., D.Phil. Calcutta, India, C.Chem,. FRSC.
Emeritus Professor of Inorganic Chemistry

Prof Tara Dasgupta

Research Interests

1) Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms. The Department has been recognised internationally for its outstanding research work in Reaction Mechanisms. Nearly 100 papers were published in this field

Other fields of interest in our group are:

a) Synthesis and Reactivity of Novel Polynuclear Complexes,

b) Electron Transfer involving Biological Reductants,

c) Toxic substances in Foods

d) Degradation of pesticides in tropical ecosystems.

e) Nitric Oxide releasing compounds and their biological applications

Selected publications (last 5 years)

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